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Top 5 Free Power BI Template for HR Management

Effective human resource management is vital for the success of any organization. HR professionals need comprehensive tools to streamline processes and optimize workforce management, from recruitment and onboarding to performance tracking and employee engagement.

In this blog, we will delve into the top 5 free Power BI Templates tailored specifically for HR management. Drawing inspiration from the success of our previous article on sales management, where we explored the top 6 Power BI templates for sales teams, we aim to provide HR professionals with the tools they need to enhance their HR practices and foster a productive and engaged workforce.

HexaSync Power BI template for HR Reports – Template 1

VJX2aOcYLr9nBiMeCBQ DXLUBp2gLysbRqeyaCszwDiFJcQyICBhlDz3s1ulYP6Yvx06wY suFs1PqlFqka G4X5ZtURLs sGVKQpUo2jzzS5rS pYb2gCP 4MblhVEZL8 6Snmdf3DK4vaBMMBS0u0
Power BI template 1

Overview: This template shows important HR numbers that help businesses understand their staff situation, including gender balance, departmental distribution, and changes over time. Presenting data clearly and giving useful insights helps business leaders make smart decisions about managing their teams effectively.

Download template.

Key Insights for the Power BI Example Dashboard:

  • Analysis of Workforce Composition: Use cards and charts to grasp the workforce structure, aiding strategic decisions concerning talent development and performance management.
  • Gender Distribution: Present gender distribution and workforce allocation across departments via pie charts, facilitating an evaluation and adjustment within the organizational framework.
  • Recruitment Status Overview: Visualize recruitment metrics encompassing employee volumes over time, offering management invaluable insights into the ongoing recruitment landscape.
  • Average of Tenure by Team: this chart helps visualize the distribution of employee tenure within different teams, providing insights into team dynamics, retention rates, and overall organizational stability.
  • Employee Satisfaction Analysis by Role: Utilizing survey data and sentiment analysis, Power BI templates provide a holistic view of employee satisfaction levels across distinct positions or job roles, empowering HR teams to address role-specific challenges and bolster overall employee engagement and retention efforts.

Source: Microsoft| Fabric Community| HR Report

HexaSync Power BI template for HR Reports – Template 2

beehexa image 31
beehexa image 31

Overview: This template offers a snapshot of key HR metrics, aiding businesses in understanding their workforce composition, gender distribution, departmental allocation, and trends over time. With concise data and analysis, it facilitates strategic decision-making to balance personnel resources effectively.

Download template.

Key Insights for the Power BI Example Dashboard:

  • Workforce Composition Analysis: Utilize charts and summary tables to understand the structure of the workforce, enabling strategic decisions regarding talent development and performance management.
  • Gender and Departmental Allocation: Display gender and workforce distribution across departments through bar charts or pie charts, facilitating assessment and adjustment of gender diversity and equity within the organization.
  • Recruitment Status Statistics: Visualize recruitment data, including candidate numbers, recruitment positions, and hiring duration, helping management gain insights into the current status of the recruitment process.
  • Overall Performance Evaluation: Aggregate personnel data to assess the overall performance of the organization, identifying trends and specific issues to adjust human resource management strategies.

Source: Microsoft| Fabric Community| HR Report

3. HexaSync Power BI template for HR Reports – Template 3

Power BI template 3

Overview: This report provides a comprehensive overview of key HR metrics, shedding light on the company’s workforce composition. Additionally, it analyzes personnel distribution by department, gender ratio, and work-life balance by department, and notably includes charts illustrating employee satisfaction by position. This report enables businesses to gain insights into their workforce dynamics, adjust position satisfaction rates, and ultimately enhance labor efficiency.

Download template

Key Insights for the Power BI Example Dashboard:

  • Key HR Metrics Overview: Power BI templates provide a centralized dashboard displaying essential HR metrics such as Number of Employees, Averages of Performance, Active Employees, Total Hours Worked, average age, and Attrition Rate.
  • Personnel Distribution by Department: Through intuitive visualizations like stacked bar charts or heatmaps, these templates illustrate the distribution of personnel across departments, allowing HR managers to identify staffing imbalances and optimize resource allocation.
  • Departmental Allocation Analysis: Utilizing drill-down capabilities, the templates offer insights into resource allocation across departments, enabling managers to assess budget allocation effectiveness and make informed decisions to optimize resource utilization.
  • Gender Ratio Visualization: With pie charts or gender distribution histograms, Power BI templates visualize gender ratios within the organization, facilitating gender diversity assessments and aiding in the formulation of inclusive HR policies.
  • Work-Life Balance Insights by Department: Through interactive charts displaying metrics like overtime hours, remote work frequency, and employee satisfaction surveys, these templates provide actionable insights into work-life balance by department, helping HR managers identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.
  • Employee Satisfaction Analysis by Position: Leveraging survey data and sentiment analysis, Power BI templates offer a comprehensive view of employee satisfaction levels across different positions or job roles, enabling HR teams to address issues specific to certain roles and enhance overall employee engagement and retention.

Source: Microsoft| Fabric Community| HR Report

4. HexaSync Power BI template for HR Reports – Template 4

Power BI template 4

Overview: This report focuses on analyzing employee composition based on aspects such as gender, marital status, departmental distribution, and the allocation of employee salaries based on these factors.

Download template

Key Insights for the Power BI Example Dashboard:

  • Key HR Metrics Overview: Power BI templates provide a holistic view of essential HR metrics, including mean age, total employees, mean monthly income, mean hourly rate,…
  • Marital Status Analysis: Utilizing pie charts or bar graphs, these templates visually represent the distribution of employees based on marital status, aiding in understanding workforce demographics and potentially informing benefits or wellness programs.
  • Gender Distribution Visualization: Through intuitive visualizations like pie charts or histograms, Power BI templates showcase gender distribution within the organization, facilitating gender diversity assessments and guiding diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Departmental Distribution Overview: With interactive maps or bar charts, these templates illustrate the distribution of employees across different departments, providing insights into workforce composition and potential imbalances in resource allocation.
  • Salary Allocation Analysis: Leveraging interactive tables or charts, Power BI templates present salary distribution across departments or job roles, enabling HR managers to identify disparities, ensure fairness, and optimize salary budgets effectively.

Source: Microsoft| Fabric Community| HR Report

5. HexaSync Power BI template for HR Reports – Template 5

Power BI template 5

Overview: Similar to previous reports, this report delves into essential HR metrics, offering insights into employee numbers and dissecting their distribution and earnings based on variables like gender, marital status, age, and job satisfaction. Moreover, it furnishes data on average commuting distances, typical work hours, and training duration through informative charts. These comprehensive analyses empower the company to evaluate its workforce dynamics effectively, fine-tune strategies to boost employee contentment, explore avenues for career progression, and thereby optimize operational efficiency.

Download template

Key Insights for the Power BI Example Dashboard:

  • Key HR Metrics Overview: Power BI templates present a comprehensive overview of crucial HR metrics such as total hourly rate, total monthly income, and total number of employees.
  • Marital Status Analysis: Through interactive charts or tables, these templates visualize the distribution of employees based on marital status, providing insights into workforce demographics and potentially guiding benefits or wellness initiatives.
  • Gender Diversity Visualization: Utilizing pie charts or histograms, Power BI templates illustrate the gender distribution within the organization, facilitating gender diversity assessments and aiding in diversity and inclusion efforts.
  • Departmental Distribution Overview: With intuitive visualizations like bar charts or heatmaps, these templates showcase the distribution of employees across various departments, offering insights into workforce composition and resource allocation.
  • Salary Allocation Analysis: Leveraging interactive dashboards, Power BI templates present salary distributions across departments or job roles, allowing HR managers to identify disparities and ensure equitable compensation practices.
  • Typical Work Hours Visualization: Through line graphs or histograms, these templates visualize typical work hours across different departments or employee categories, aiding in workforce planning and scheduling optimization.
  • Training Time Insights: Utilizing stacked bar charts or trend analysis, Power BI templates provide insights into training time spent by employees, helping HR teams evaluate training effectiveness and plan future development initiatives efficiently.

Source: Microsoft| Fabric Community| HR Report


In conclusion, these top 5 free Power BI templates for HR management offer a powerful toolkit to elevate your human resources strategy. By utilizing these templates, businesses can gain invaluable insights into various HR metrics, streamline processes, and make informed, data-driven decisions. Implementing these templates can improve employee satisfaction, and ultimately, make greater organizational success. Embrace these tools to empower your HR teams, optimize processes, and foster a more productive and engaged workforce.

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